The Secret Garden
Provides outdoor spaces for participants to experience hands-on learning, and connect with nature and each other.
Participants who help in the garden work with Master Gardeners who mentor them as they create new gardens, care for plants, and harvest produce.
The Secret Garden at Possabilities Plus uses only organic practices. The fruits, vegetables, and herbs grown in the garden are organic and nutritious.
Produce harvested in the garden is cleaned and packaged and sold in the thrift store. When possible, items are used in the tearoom as well.
A wide variety of training, social and educational offerings are designed for participants to eventually gain meaningful employment in the community. Participation programs are flexible and tailored to the needs of each individual. Self pay programs begin at $30 for each half day and $60 for full day program.
PossAbilities Plus seeks to enhance the lives and opportunities of individuals with special needs through training, employment, and social opportunities.
Address: 1079 Atlantic Blvd #1
Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233
Phone: 904-595-5381